Opera 9.0 (8393)
🕛 03.05.2006, 10:47
Новая версия Opera 9.0 (8393). Список изменений:
Widgets UI changes:
- Widgets are no longer displayed on a faded screen.
- New widgets menu, providing options to add, open, and manage widgets.
- New widget management window.
Other changes:
- Fixed handling of multiple changes to document.body.style.backgroundColor.
- Fixed behavior of range.compareBoundaryPoints.
- document.compatMode now gives 'BackCompat' for documents being rendered in quirks mode.
- Improved XSLT error reporting.
- Allowed custom headers to be displayed in the quick mail headers toolbar
- Fixed some bugs in the MSI installer.
- Improved handling of "Stop executing scripts on this page" tickbox on script dialogs.
- Support copying attribute nodes in XSLT with copy-of.
- Refuse invalid namespace declaration attributes.
- User CSS is enabled by default in Author Mode.
- Temporary downloads are now cleared when deleting cache.
- Improved deleting of single messages from trash in IMAP accounts.
- Fix for duplicated messages in IMAP.
- Fixed SSL negotiation problem for servers that do